

stress-free days at the office

Parking Solutions for tomorrow’s Office Buildings

Are you prepared for the future of parking at tomorrow’s office buildings?

Easy-to-handle office parking management means to offer your employees, short-term parkers and residents a quick, hassle-free and convenient parking experience.

Business parkers plan and work out their own arrangements

For your customers

Benefit from easy-to-handle self-management for employee parkers, guests and visitors (using License Plate Recognition, employee badges or other data carriers).

For you

Full control of the car park at less effort.
Self-service for business customers to manage their own business parking. Contract parker management becomes much easier with the option of outsourcing standard tasks like contract management to business customers and their parking users.

Keeping parkers’ convenience in focus

For your customers

Convenient car park entry and exit with a registered media of identification. You may grant VIP guests and visitors access to restricted areas or nested car parks.

For you

Convenient control of access to parking and building areas.
License plate recognition enables smooth entry and exit, different access media offer a variety of access options.

EV-charging for office workers adds value to the employee parking service

For your customers

Parkers have their car charged and ready for the drive home.

For you

Full own revenue and flexible expansion options for own EV-business.
Convenient all-in-one management of office parking and EV-charging (tariffs, reports, monitoring).

Office parking management made easy: full integration of parking services into the facility management system

For your customers

No need to juggle with separate systems - everything is fully integrated.

For you

Comprehensively manage and organize the office car park with ultimate flexibility - also suitable for multi-site office facilities and business parks.
Powerful Control Center for comprehensive and efficient parking operation of all car parks. From monitoring and control of parking devices, license plate review to perfect online customer support and staff task management.
Business parkers plan and work out their own arrangements
Keeping parkers’ convenience in focus
EV-charging for office workers adds value to the employee parking service
Office parking management made easy: full integration of parking services into the facility management system

Our Solutions for your business

What our clients say

Saroeung Neak

A SKIDATA completou a primeira fase em Dezembro, com 32 vias em duas semanas, o que foi espantoso para nós. Esperámos até à Primavera para completar a fase 2 - e eles fizeram-no num mês.

Saroeung Neak

O que descobrimos, que a SKIDATA tinha o equipamento mais elegante. Quando se fala com os proprietários dos edifícios, a primeira coisa com que temos de nos preocupar é com a estética dos equipamentos.

Saroeung Neak

O novo sistema SKIDATA gerou cerca de quatro milhões de dólares em receitas adicionais. O objectivo é possibilitar às pessoas que aqui trabalham um começo de dia sem stress.

What only SKIDATA can do for you

Press Press
Your parkers benefit from quick and smooth car park entry with employee ID, credit card or via license plate recognition. 
Our digital platform provides you with the comprehensive control center for customer support and staff task management. 
OurPhilosophy OurPhilosophy
If you offer EV-charging to your tenants’ employees and staff, the smart office parking solution lets you benefit from an all-in-one management of parking and EV-charging.

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