


    Boost convenience and revenues with fully integrated EV-charging


    • Attract more EV motorists to your car park by providing EV-charging infrastructure for them
    • Easy use of EV-charging while parking – your visitors won’t need any app or registration
    • All revenues from EV-charging will be yours, adding to your bottom line
    • Convenient all-in-one management of parking and electric vehicle charging (rates, reports, monitoring)

    Parking and EV-charging as a fully integrated one-stop service for your visitors


    Start your own, fully integrated EV-charging business

    • Attract the growing number of EV drivers to your car park with a fully integrated EV-charging system
    • No need to install any third-party devices
    • Scale your EV-charging stations to best meet your needs as well as those of your customers
    • Determine your own rates for different types of visitors, or offer special park & charge packages with freely configurable rate options

    EV-charging is as easy as parking

    • Give your visitors the option of having their EV charged while parking to ensure a convenient way back home
    • EV-charging couldn’t be easier for your customers: they just provide a ticket or license plate number at the distribution terminal and start charging – no registration or subscription required
    • Provide instant on-demand personal assistance to your visitors from your central control center via the integrated bi-directional voice connection

    Payment of parking and EV-charging in one go

    • Your visitors can conveniently pay their parking and charging fees in one go at the payment machine, based on their ticket or license plate number – for subscribers this is possible even on a pay-per-use basis
    • Your visitors can use any payment method supported at your car park
    • All revenues from EV-charging will be your own

    Vamos ver como podemos trabalhar juntos!


    What our clients say

    Alejandro von Teuber

    O que mais gosto na SKIDATA é a inovação, o design que é importante porque é o que os nossos clientes vêem, e o software porque é o que nós operadores precisamos. 

    Alejandro von Teuber

    As suas soluções disponibilizam tantas funcionalidades tais como rastrear todas as nossas operações, melhorando a segurança das nossas operações e proporcionando uma agradável experiência ao cliente que nos visita.

    Ben Ziff

    A SKIDATA era de longe a empresa que nos ia ajudar a alcançar o que queríamos para o nosso negócio avançar.

    Ben Ziff

    É provavelmente como comprar um Rolls Royce, se compararmos com um carro. É sem dúvida um dos melhores fabricantes do mercado. E creio que isso se deve provavelmente ao facto de eles ouvirem os clientes.

    Ben Ziff

    Passámos algum tempo com diferentes fornecedores. Vimos cerca de seis ou sete fornecedores. Muito rapidamente, reduzimos a lista para o líder de mercado.

    What only SKIDATA can do for you

    ev-charging ev-charging
    Seamlessly integrated EV-charging infrastructure that attracts more EV drivers to your car park
    control-panel control-panel
    A premium parking & charging experience for your visitors – with a precisely metered amount of power charged, and payment of parking and charging fees in one go
    money-coins money-coins
    All revenues from EV charging will be your own

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