

quick self-service

Ski pass pick-up or purchase, additional services AND payment of parking fees - all at one kiosk


  • The interactive cashless kiosk for self-service reduces the waiting times for guests in the morning and before their drive home
  • You save on staff at the ticketing window for selling ski passes, and for top-up or return keycards
  • Vending and pick-up machines serve as an additional points of sale, providing 24/7 availability for all services
  • The kiosk’s screen doubles as an ideal display for information or advertising messages to foster additional sales



Drive your revenue even outside business hours


Professional, intuitive self-service for even more convenience for your guests

  • Self-service kiosks offer convenient sale of ski passes for guests to directly head to the lift
  • 24/7 ticket pick-up for ski passes that were pre-purchased online to save on staff at the ticketing window
  • Pick-up of pre-purchased ski passes AND parking tickets at the kiosk
  • Purchase of ski passes AND parking tickets directly at the kiosk

Paper tickets, keycards or eTickets – the choice is yours

  • Guests collect their pre-purchases ski pass in the form of a paper ticket, a keycard or a 100% digital smartphone ticket
  • The kiosks make it easy to top-up or return keycards and collect pre-purchased tickets
  • The kiosks support additional services like locker rental or activity sales

Additional channel for resort-related information or advertising

  • Leverage dynamic pricing to offer special tickets at special prices to suit changing conditions
  • Integrate package prices for families or groups, or season passes
  • Utilize the kiosk’s displays for videos or ads – as a service for partnering businesses like ski schools or hotels

Let's discuss how we can work together!

What our clients say

Ignacio Valenzuela

I would like to point out that for Sierra Nevada it is very important to feel that technologically it is among the most advanced resorts in the world.

Peter Leatherbee

Today we have up to 6.000 visitors in one peak day in our season and that of course is a huge challenge. It would be basically impossible to do without SKIDATA Solutions.

Anton Bodner

Of course, we know and have known about the great competence that comes from SKIDATA. This has been demonstrated again with this project. We are pleased and proud that we were able to develop this project together in such a way and the joint success proves us right.

What only SKIDATA can do for you

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Pick-up or purchase of ski passes plus purchase, pick up and payment of parking tickets at one single kiosk

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Convenient one-stop-shopping for guests: ski pass and additional services can be purchased at the self-service ticketing machine
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The kiosk’s display screen doubles as an advertising and information platform for guests

Latest Blogs

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Creating Cities That Thrive: Reducing Congestion with Smart Parking Solutions

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SKIDATA & Adyen: Revolutionizing Payments, Everywhere You Go

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Let's discuss how we can work together!