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Cycling, showering, working
Cycling, showering, working

At many jobs, personal hobbies and interests are left behind, but SKIDATA shows that other things are possible: Carsten rides to work on his bike, makes use of the company’s own facilities and further develops his athletic passions in teams with his colleagues. A perfect match.
Growing up in the Westphalian Münsterland region means growing up with a bike. For Carsten, it’s true. First, it was following routes to school, the pool, the sea or to sports. Later, it was his commute to work. “I had a company car that I could drive home in,” Carsten explains. “Every evening after work, I wasted about 30 minutes trying to find a parking spot. After about two months, I switched to cycling and have cycled to work every day since.”
Even today–30 years later–nothing has changed. The husband and father of two children has been living in Berchtesgadener Land since 1999. Carsten has worked for SKIDATA since 2004. As System Expert Global Technical Support - Car Access, Carsten is responsible for analyzing errors when devices or software don’t work on site. In his team of 12, he works closely with quality assurance and hardware/software development teams to find solutions for reported errors.

Three-time participant at the company triathlon already
When he’s not at work, Carsten isn’t just an enthusiastic cyclist, but also a hobby triathlete. “I’ve taken part in the company triathlon three times already – as a swimmer or cyclist,” says Carsten. To his regret, this year’s date overlaps with a short vacation in Münsterland that the family is taking over Pentecost weekend.
Carsten covers around 20 kilometers on his way to work, which he cycles in all weathers. “I ride different routes so that it will never get boring,” says Carsten. “It takes me around 40 to 45 minutes each way: A little longer in winter, faster in the summer.”
Freshly showered and at his desk
SKIDATA offers the proper facilities for employees like Carsten. There’s lockable bike storage as well as showers. “Cycling to work wakes me up, and I arrive at work refreshed—it helps me to get into my work day,” Carsten says of his motivation. “On the way home, cycling helps relieve stress, and that’s extremely important to me.”
That’s around 800 to 1,000 kilometers a month on two wheels. A decent distance, and one that’s on Carsten’s account for “Salzburg cycles”, the environmentally-friendly campaign to get people motivated to cycle, and to promote health and team spirit—and the chance to win many prizes. The campaign runs until September 30, 2023. Carsten has another athletic goal in sight for the year: He wants to ride the Alpe Adria cycle path in September with his wife. The 410-kilometer long-distance cycle path that leads from Salzburg across the Alps to Grado in Italy on the Adriatic.
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